Hymenoptera Online Database


The order Hymenoptera contains some 115,000 species and literally millions of specimens in collections around the world. Some parts of this database have extensive information available (e.g., Proctotrupoidea, Platygastroidea, Ceraphronoidea, Apoidea), even to the level of specimens (see Platygastridae, Pelecinidae, Monomachidae, Stephanidae). These data have been gathered with the collaboration of a number of colleagues. Other taxa still need work. If you would like to contribute to the further development and enhancement of this resource, please contact Norman F. Johnson or Luciana Musetti. For technical assistance related to Hymenoptera Online services, please contact Joe Cora.
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Portrait de Jarode

Ma référence en matière de taxonomie sur les Formicidae.  Très utile pour vérifier la validité d'un taxon, obtenir la date de description d'une espèce donnée, le nom du scientifique descripteur, et bien plus encore !  Bien
Je trouve son interface graphique plus intuitive et ergonomique que son alternative AntCat .


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